Clément Moreau
Clinical psychologist
Clément Moreau (he/him) is a psychologist specializing in transgender health and neurodiversity. Clément mainly provides psychotherapy using a trans-affirmative approach for children, adolescents and their families, as well as adults. Enriched by his practice of a dozen years in child psychiatry and perinatal services, he now works in private practice based in Ivry sur Seine (France) and as coordinator of the mental health center of the Espace Santé Trans association based in Paris (France). As such, he is a trainer on mental health and support for trans and nonbinary people.
He is a member of the Réseau de Santé Trans (Trans Health Network). As part of the Trajectoires Jeunes Trans (Trans Youth Trajectories) platform, Clément participates in research on supporting trans and autistic people.Furthermore, Clément is a course lecturer at the Université de Paris presenting on the following themes: psychotherapy support for queer people, the role of the queer therapist through the perspective of situated knowledge and the politicization of the therapeutic space, and support for trans minors and their families.