Frequently asked questions

General information

  • Can my personal information be shared with others?

    Never. We only collect the information necessary for the proper functioning of the site, the payment method, and the educational platform.

Language and terminology in trans health

  • Why do you use inclusive language?

    Inclusive / nonbinary / gender neutral language reflects our commitment to acknowledging gender diversity.

  • Why is your terminology different from what I hear in my geographical area?

    We recognize that the terms that refer to gender diversity are in constant evolution and depend on the country and even the region in which the communication takes place. Despite our commitment to serving and reflecting the diversity associated with the English-speaking world, we prioritize the terminology used in Quebec, since that is where IST is located.

  • Why do you still use certain terms that I think are outdated?

    We strive to keep our website and all our communications current, but there may be delays in our updates.


  • Is there a minimum age for access to training courses?

    Yes, you must have reached the age of majority in your country to access the training courses.

  • How much time is allowed to complete a course?

    The training courses have different timelines. Please consult the page for each of the courses you are interested in for the time alloted and other relevant details.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    Once you have finished watching the videos that make up the course or module, you will be asked to complete a short test. Once you have passed, the certificate will be immediately available for download in PDF format.

    You can also download it at any time from the Training section of the my account page. Click on the small arrow of the given course and click on the certificate icon:

  • Can I share the training course and associated materials with others?

    All material related to intellectual property, including the content of the platform as well as the work produced or developed belongs exclusively to the Institute. Therefore, any reproduction, modification or distribution of these elements is prohibited without the express prior consent of the Institute. To obtain such a permission, please write to

  • Can I share my account and password to training courses with colleagues?

    Your access is exclusive to you. Here is a summary of the terms and conditions for purchasing training: 1- You agree to maintain the confidentiality of the passwords you choose or that are assigned to you following your registration to the platform. 2- You agree to notify us of any unauthorized use of your username or password.

  • What is your refund policy?

    If you have not started the course, you may request a refund within 15 days of purchase.

  • Do you offer a discount on the registration fee for groups?

    Yes, we offer reduced rates for groups of 5 or more participants.

  • Do you offer a discount on the registration fee for students?

    Yes, we offer a 20% discount on the cost of the training course with proof of full-time enrollment at the university level. Please contact us for more details.

  • Where do I go if I still have questions about the courses?

    Please visit the course page for the information and check out the course-specific FAQs.

Group supervision

  • How do I register for group supervision?

    If you are subscribed to our mailing list, when a new session is organized, you will be notified and you will be able to register on the website.

  • What time of year are group supervision sessions held?

    Some sessions run from September to June, others from January to December.

  • In the same year, can I join different groups depending on my availability?

    No. Supervision groups are closed, i.e. the same people meet for the duration of the session (10 months).

  • Can the hours count towards the continuing education requirements of the OPQ?

    Yes, the group supervision hours are added to your OPQ continuing education file. A certificate is given to each participant at the end of the 10 sessions.

  • Is there an OPQ recognition number associated with group supervision?

    No, the OPQ does not assign a recognition number for supervision or consultation. Only a certificate is required.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    Your certificate is sent to you at the end of the session. It will indicate the hours of supervision you have attended.

  • Are the meetings online?

    Yes, the meetings are online using a secure platform to allow participants to join wherever they are.

  • Can we attend by phone?

    Yes, the platform offers the possibility of attending by phone.

  • According to the OPQ, is it possible to extract individual supervision hours in a group supervision setting?

    Yes, the OPQ allows for portions of individual CE hours to be extracted when you present a case in a group meeting. Time is counted based on the complexity of the case and the number of cases presented at the meeting.

  • If I can't make it to one of the 10 meetings, can I make it up by joining another group?

    Unfortunately if you miss a meeting, it can't be made up otherwise. All meeting dates and times are posted on the Institute's website before you register so that you can confirm that your schedule is compatible the dates and times posted.

  • What is the cancellation policy?

    You will get a refund of the registration fee minus the administration fee of 25$ CA. No refunds are possible once the session has begun.

Individual supervision

  • How do I schedule an individual clinical supervision or consultation session?

    You will see the names of the professionals associated with IST who serve as clinical consultants or supervisors posted under the "individual supervision" tab. Each offers these services independently. Please contact them to check their availability, fees and to make an appointment.