Individual supervision

Supervision and clinical consultation hours are recognized as continuing education credits by l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec (The Quebec College of Psychologists-OPQ)

Individual supervision or consultation is offered by several professionals. If you would like to make an appointment, or for information on availability, pricing, location or any other details, please contact clinical consultants directly.

Françoise Susset

Françoise Susset, Psy.D.

See bio

Lou-Ann Morin

Lou-Ann Morin, Ph.D.

See bio

Jesse Bossé

Jesse Bossé, Psy.D.

See bio

Types of issues that can be addressed in supervision or consultation

Here are some situations in which clinical supervision could be helpful:

Children and youth

  • A student at my school is experiencing harassment and bullying related to transphobia. What can I do for him?
  • A 13-year-old individual I’ve been counseling just told me that they feel they are nonbinary, are afraid of their parents’ reaction, and are feeling suicidal. How can we help him?
  • I meet a family whose 7-year-old child, assigned female at birth, identifies as male and presents themselves as such at school. The child has adopted a male name, insists on going to the boys’ bathroom and gets angry if he is referred to as a female. Parents don’t know what to do. How can we help this family? This school?
  • I am accompanying a nonbinary person who would like to access certain gender affirmation surgeries. How can I support their request?

Couple and family

  • I work in child protection services, and I have a meeting scheduled soon with a family where one member of a couple is undergoing a transition. How can I properly assess the impact on the child?
  • I am working with a couple where one of the partners has just revealed to their spouse their desire to undergo a transition. They wonder about the best way to discuss it with their children.
  • I see a 15-year-old who has been depressed and isolated since his parent transitioned last year.

Counselling & Coming out

  • I work in a shelter for abused women. We have been approached by someone who presents themselves as very masculine but identifies as a transgender woman and says she needs our services. How do we respond to this person’s request?
  • I see a young person who tells me that she knows she is trans and informs me that she wants to access hormone treatment. Do I need to confirm that she is trans?


  • I work in child protection, and I have been tasked with evaluating a family in conflict regarding the behavior of their 6-year-old boy who “dresses up as a girl and plays with girl toys.” The parents are separated. The father reported his ex-wife to us; he accuses her of “forcing their son to play with girls’ toys because she always wanted a girl and was disappointed when she found out she was carrying a boy”. How can we assess this situation in a fair manner and in the best interest of the child?